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Renew your membership -- or become a new chamber member!

01/04/2013 10:08 AM | Deleted user
Are you a business owner in Sierra County? Or do you have a business outside of the county that does business in it? Or an individual who want to support our efforts? Or a business in one of our neighboring counties who want to get exposure to Sierra County residents (and visitors)?

If so, please come join the chamber! Become a member! You can join or renew online, and pay with a credit card, or fill out the form and mail us a check. Either way, don't delay! We'll start working on the visitors guide soon, and if you haven't joined or renewed before we do, you might miss out on being included in it.

The Sierra County Chamber of Commerce is an all volunteer organization hard at work every day: we're working on promoting and providing information about the county and all that it has to offer to visitors and residents, in order to make people's stays or residence here more pleasant, fun and filled with memories. We're showcasing local businesses to visitors and residents alike, provide a website with information about things to do, places to go and a directory full of resources. We travel around the state and participate in travel events as well as the California State Fair. We also produce the Visitors Guide each year, a publication that is a great resource for anyone spending any time in our fair county. We are also participating in some membership organizations such as the Gold Country Visitors Association as well as Dogtrekker.com, working to leverage resources and get better reach.

Join the chamber to get exposure to residents and visitors, to support our efforts, to get access to information and resources available only for members-- and, because its the right thing to do!!! Fill out a Membership Application Form or sign up online now!

© 2014-2024 Sierra County Chamber of Commerce | 1-800-200-4949 | info@sierracountychamber.com

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