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A Walk in the Snow--A Success in the Making

12/16/2010 8:15 AM | Deleted user

December 12th, a Sunday night, Sierra City merchants opened their stores for the public, generously serving all kinds of goodies-- spanning the gamut from ravioli to hot chocolate. Over a dozen businesses opened their doors and welcomed everyone who wanted to stop by.

Every establishment was decorated festively with lights and snowflakes and icicles and in some cases all kinds of figures-- snowmen, disney characters -- you name it. There was even a gigantic 12 ft+ Santa Claus hanging out by the post office!

At first I thought there was a lot of emergencies going on as the fire truck kept speeding through town with the lights on, but it turns our that kids, young and old were hitching rides on the Sierra City Volunteer Fire Department's awesome new incredible fire truck!

People came out in large groups having fun seeing people they had not seen for a while, and meeting some new merchants in town. And, the event was such a success that we'll do it all over again next year. Rumour has it someone wants to convince CBS Channel 13 Dave Bender to come here next year to do his 12 Daves of Christmas!

Come join us next year!

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